Saturday, July 20, 2013

Belize 2013:First Impressions

July 19, 2013

The National Audubon Society (NAS) has been asked to help develop additional Eco-tourism opportunities in Guatemala, Belize, the Bahamas, and Paraguay.  The team from NAS International Alliances Program is already in Guatemala, but I am joining them in Belize to develop the project management plan with our partners.  I am happy to be able to bring Stephanie along for the first part of this trip.

As I looked out the window as we were landing (P.S.W.G. International Airport), I knew I was in a very different place.  The city is surrounded by grass savannah with stands of palmetto palms and pine trees.  You also see aspects of the tropical deciduous forest that is characteristic of most of the northern half of the country.  But mainly, it is what you don't see; roads, cars, buildings, or people.  I always like those places that make you feel like you are the first person to be there, that they are somehow undiscovered.

On the approach to the Belize City Airport. 

We were in Belize City for about 30 minutes before boarding a small plane and heading to the resort island of Ambergris Caye ( pronounced "am-BURR-gris key", essentially Caye meaning island).  Ambergris is the most commercialized island and is used by many organized tour groups as a base for water activities - snorkeling, diving, and fishing.  The plane ride offered stunning views of the azure water and habitats.  We didn't see the barrier reef ( the 4th largest barrier reef system in the world) as it is just to the east, but we did enjoy the sea grass beds and tiny cayes.  

Ambergris Caye with white caps on the
barrier reef visible along the top of photo.

Sea grass beds.

We ended our travel day at our inn in San Pedro, the Blue Tang Inn, with just enough time to go to the local bar and try one of my favorite travel experiments: what will they hand me when I just ask for, "a beer".  As expected, it was a Belikin, the Beer of Belize.  That and the sunset was a good end to the first day.

Last stop of the day.
Belikin Beer, local beer and main and often only choice.

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