Friday, May 4, 2018

Wearing my first Sulu. Fijian Culture, Religion, and Nature.

Celebrate Fiji. 

That is my plan for the 10-day trip ahead. 

To quote the Lonely Planet travel guide to Fiji,

"Fijians are a famously hospitable people with personalities as sunny as the islands they live on".    Wow.

This is one of the most important work trips of my career.  An opportunity to be involved in the permanent protection of habitat for one of the world's most endangered species.  I am deeply appreciative of  partners like RainForest Trust and a host of Fijian organizations like NatureFiji-MareqetiViti and the National Trust of Fiji.  (RainForest Trust did a great write up of the effort Project Description.)

But! this isn't a Work blog.  The purpose of this blog remains the same; to reflect, to pay attention, and to record the people and places of this world. 

Similar to my post on Belize (Belize Trip) I hope to publish at least three blog post corresponding to my time on the islands of Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, and Taveuni.  I will also be active on a new instagram account

So now; the wait, the wonder, and the realization that no matter how many travel books you really dont know what is going to happen to you until you get there. 

Au saa liu mada,
