Saturday, July 12, 2014


The Mississippi River.

I Love Minneapolis.  

I land at the airport, stroll past the cabs and rental cars, and head directly for the light rail.

Once on board, the blue line takes me to one of the most scenic downtowns in America.

Downtown is where you find the McKnight Foundation a supporter of a former employer, and many other conservation organizations.  So, I have had plenty of opportunities to visit them and the city.

My favorite place?  Mill Ruins Park on the west bank of the Mississippi River by St. Anthony Falls.  

Mill Ruins Park.
From the park literature, "In its 19th-century heyday, this area of mills, canals, tailraces and other historic resources comprised the largest direct-drive water-powered facility in the world."   The ruins look much older than they are and remind you of a castle more than a mill. 

The juxtaposition of the old ruins and the modern buildings in this area is really cool.  Not to mention the miles of connected trails on both sides of the scenic Mississippi River.

On the way back to the airport I always stop at the 50th Street/Minnehaha Park Station. 

Minnehaha Falls.
Minnehaha Park is almost 200 acres, full of trails, events, and a surprisingly good food vendor ( Sea Salt ). 

I grab a drink, a fish taco, and head to the main event in the park, a 50 foot waterfall that seems to appear out of nowhere.  The huge chasm and waterfall remind me of the impossible landscapes my son (3) and daughter (5) create with Minecraft.  I soak up what I can of the peace of this place and then start the 668 mile journey back to them.

#minnehaha_park , #minneapolis , #mill_ruins_park

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