Thursday, June 15, 2017

A "Day" at the Museum

Nancy B. Simmons, Curator in Charge
The Department of Mammalogy at the American Museum of Natural History houses over 275,000 specimens, making it the third largest collection of recent mammals in the world.  The exhibits are phenomenal and the research is critical. 

The museum is also the very famous backdrop for the Night at the Museum film series.  I love those movies but the real behind the scenes action of the museum is so much cooler.  Every nook, cranny, corner, and eave is stuffed.  What a place.

Shameless selfie in the Hippo Room

Thanks so much to Dr. Nancy Simmons for the amazing tour.  

And if you are in town June to August don't miss the Evening Bat Walks in Central Park hosted by the NYCity Batgroup.  You can sign up online and then meet up at the Museum entrance on 77th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue. 
View of Manhattan from Central Park during a "Bat Walk".

After a little informal presentation on "the night life" of the park, you are off with a bunch of new friends and a host of gadgets that allow you to hear and see the ultrasonic sounds of echolocating bats.