Sunday, October 4, 2009

Not Enough Time for Buenos Aires

On my way to Paraguay to lead a conservation planning workshop.

I have one night in Buenos Aires before flying to Asuncion in the morning.

That is not enough time for this town.

Everything I know about this city is what I could absorb in a mad dash.  I really, really, want to come back.

This is a romantic place.  Not syrupy, think Tango.  It is the work trip where you keep saying, "I wish my spouse was here.  They would love this."

Shopping Mall food ala Argentina ( Postavecchia).
I am sure you can find a bad meal.  I did not.

Case in point, I had to purchase some odds and ends and ended up at the galerias pacifico by my hotel.  Time for a steak and a glass of the food court!

Despite being lost and rushed, I did have good intelligence on lodging.  My friends and colleagues at Asociación Guyra Paraguay had made a reservation for me at the Hotel Diplomat.  This is a great little hotel near the Plaza San Martín in the Retiro neighborhood. I felt like the personal guest of the owners, Jorge Veiga and Jose Luis Perez.  Both are active supporters of Aves Argentinas and interested in natural history.  They gave me an open invitation to one of their research, nature photography, vacations in Mendoza Province.  They have a favorite place to camp in the foothills and high plains east of the Andes. (Added to Bucket List.)

If you are interested in birding Argentina, chances are you may fly into Buenos Aires.  Please give them your patronage.  I put a link in the caption below.  

Information and Reservations
Gracious, wonderful, hosts.

#buenos_aires ,  #birding_argentina , #galerias_pacifico ,